How to secure your peer to peer lending before the Brexit deadline
With the summer over and the Brexit deadline fast approaching many investors are trying to secure their money in an attempt to weather future uncertainty.
Many with money in the peer to peer market are uneasy about their savings. However, this guide will show you how to make sure your money survives.
- Rest assured, recessions may be good news for peer to peer lending
Whilst the financial crisis was an extremely bad example, many forget that recessions are a natural part of our economic cycle, and many industries that produce relatively in-elastic goods will be able to succeed. Packaging products like paper bags often do well as shops will still need them, and of course, utilities will always have demand.
The peer to peer lending industry started to find its feet in the wake of the 2008 economic crisis as many of the highstreets lenders and business banks started to scale back the loans on their books. This paved the way for alternative forms of lending to come forward to lend capital to businesses hungry for growth.
- Bet on the long market for peer to peer lending
As with any form of investing, it is wise to stay in it for the long game. The market shows that your losses will be lower over time and it is the best way to make money.
The peer to peer market is no different; keeping money in platforms will help you avoid costly early withdrawal fees and help you make a profit over the long term.
- Only keep in what you can afford to lose in the market
Another one of those age-old investment adages is to only keep money in that you can afford to lose. This way you can rest assured that no matter what happens to the peer to peer market, you will survive in a financial sense.
Stay up to date with the latest news in the peer to peer world
Whatever decision you make in regards to your peer to peer loans you should always try and stay informed on the latest industry news. If you have any further questions on peer to peer lending do not hesitate to get in touch via our contact form.